Saturday, September 27, 2014

A Beautiful Sunday!

Last Sunday was one of the best Sunday's I've had in a really long time. It started out with what I thought would be a simple trip to church and then lots of catching up before the week arrived. To my surprise it was way more than just a simple Sunday! As I walked into church and began to sing my heart out with the rest of Houston's First Baptists congregation, I knew just then that today was going to be fabulous. Every Sunday we start out with lots of singing,praying and just being able to feel so alive in this broken world. After all our vocal cords were tired we moved on to the Baptisms that they offer every Sunday. The first man up was a man in his early 30's who came to know The Lord in prison. He was a man that was full of sin, who was ready to come clean and wipe it all away. This man spent years in prison for drug abuse. As soon as was baptized, he walked away with the BIGGEST, most grateful smile I have ever seen. Tears were already flowing from my eyes as I heard a glimpse of this man's testimony and was able to experience such a special day for him. Next was a man who also was fresh out of prison. He too had a drug addiction, and was ready to wipe it all away. Although both these men had been sober for many years they were still fighting the everyday struggle of feeling alone. It was in that time, that they were able to wash all their pain and addiction away and give it all to our Lord and Savior. At this point I was sobbing, my make up was everywhere and I was crying an ugly cry. Not because I was sad, but because I was extremely elated that these young men knew that it was time that they accept Jesus into their life, and let him help them cure their illness.

After Pastor Gregg preached some of the sweetest words, it was now time to go on my Sunday errands. Ones that consist of Target and lunch haha. After lots of shopping and money spent, my sister and I decided we needed to treat ourselves to some ice cream. As we approached Marble Slab it was already decided that I was the one paying for it this time.(Lauren and I try to trade off paying for things like these for each other.) We walked into Marble Slab in hopes of just walking out with a content stomach, and nothing more. Little did we know, we were about to get way more than that. The line was about 5 deep, nothing too crazy crowded, but enough time for me to contemplate whether or not I wanted to switch up my flavor choice or not. As we were standing in line, Lauren on her phone and me just standing there patiently waiting I heard the man in front of me turn and ask me what flavor I got. After I smiled and said cinnamon vanilla, he looked back at me and said I can't believe people over load their ice creams with toppings. That completely changes the flavor! I just chuckled and agreed with him. He then began to tell me that he was going to get a pint of strawberry and a pint of the sweet cream. At this point I am just thinking he is a really friendly older man and nothing else. As he approached the counter to check out, the lady began to ring him up and he starred closely at the screen that showed what he owed. After she told him "Sir you owe $12 dollars" he looked at her and goes " I would like to pay for these two young ladies behind me as well!" UMM WHAT? My sister and I were in shock! "That is so sweet of you and totally unnecessary" we responded as he handed the lady his money. He then turned and look at me and said "It's because you were so kind and talked to me!" Y'all I was almost in tears, I made this mans day just by talking to him about ice cream at Marble Slab. Little did he know he made my day for more than just paying for my ice cream, but for just being so nice!

Often times we as people forget to give back at random times, we tend to do it when we are asked. Trust me I am so guilty of this, but that man last Sunday, and those two men that gave their lives to Jesus, reminded me that it's not all about giving when we are asked! Everyday I am learning to be a better person. To have more patience and to love more freely. I will never be perfect, and I could never dream of being perfect. I have plenty of imperfections, and I love them all. They are what make me, me.

My heart is still so full even a week later!


Friday, September 12, 2014

Proud to be an American!

Thirteen years ago yesterday, I was just another little innocent child sitting in my classroom day dreaming about how great life was. It was thirteen years ago that all of that suddenly changed... The world stopped and I was forced to stop with it. I can still vividly remember all the faces of the teachers on September 11,2001. The pain our country endured on that September day is pain and suffering I could never ever dream of anyone having to go through. Parents flooded the school and children slowly started to dwindle. I might have only been six years old, but at six I learned that this world isn't as fun and loving as we wish it could be, not everyone is nice, and people will dishonor you if it means they will feel superior.

It is so weird to me that the children I now love and care for daily don't know much about 9/11. They are now sitting in my spot, and day dreaming about how wonderful life is.  My heart crumbles any and every time I think about all the families that lost loved ones on that terrible day.  9/11 is not only a day of remembrance for me, but also a day that I like to reflect back on all the wonderful people who lost their lives trying to help others. America sure does know how to come together when everything is being ripped out from underneath.

I encourage you today to take a moment to think about someone who has truly helped you in some way. Whether it was big or small, just take some time to pray for them and thank them for all they have done for you. Many times we get caught up in our own lives, so days like yesterday are just easily pushed aside. We need to love and honor each other not only in the hard times, but always. I also would love to ask you all to take a moment and thank God for all that he does no matter the circumstance. He stays true to his word, and never lets his knees buckle. It is because of him that our country was able to recover from our terrible loss.

So many things have changed in the last thirteen years, but one thing that has not is the fact that I am still extremely proud to be an American!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!

Faith, hope and love are some good things he gave us, and the greatest is L O V E- Alan Jackson




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