Thursday, October 16, 2014

Momma Bear Protecting Her Cubs!

Today, I had to break out into full on Momma Bear! Ryan and some of his little fifth grade friends met up to go ride on their skateboards. The meeting place as always was Ryan's house! I love having kids running in and out of our house, because I am in charge and I know no "funny"business will be going on. Before they went on their ride around the hood, they were going to stop at one of the boys houses to pick something up. Five minutes after leaving the house, I hear a knock on the door. I quickly go to the door to see one of Ryan's little friends standing there (this boy was not with them originally!). I answer the door, and Ryan's friend asks me if Ryan was home. I said "no Ryan JUST left with a bunch of boys, and they should be at Ben's house." Ryan's little friend looks at me and goes "I just came from Ben's and his mom said they weren't there. I think they ditched me!" OH NO NO NO.... I am not going to let that fly. No one ditches anyone on my watch. I'm sorry. I yell for Sammie up the stairs, quickly put a leash on Roxie and the three of us plus Ryan's friend are out the door. I am on a hunt for Ryan and the rest of the boys, and my first stop is Ben's house.

I walk up to Ben's house and ring the door bell only to have his mom come to the door to tell me " Oh the boys aren't here, I'm not sure where they are?" At this point I'm livid...not only is Ryan not answering his phone, but he is also no where to be found. As soon as I get to the end of the street I see a pack of boys fly on by, and I knew it was them. I walked as fast as I could to catch up to them, and by this point, half of them fled the scene. Clearly because they knew I WAS MAD. Ryan though is smart enough to know that he needed to go home, because he was about to have a little talking to. I am almost to Ryan, and he knew right away that I was not a happy camper. After asking him where he had been, why he wasn't answering my calls, and what all these boys were up to? He confessed that some of the boys were indeed trying to ditch his little friend. Ryan being the sweet boy that he is had started to head home when they started their ditching plan. I was so proud of him, but I still was not going to let these other boys get away with such a thing. So I marched my little self along with Sammie, Ryan and Ryan's little friend to the house that all these boys fled to. I walked right into the backyard, and gave all those boys a piece of my mind. I explained to them that what they were doing was not appropriate, and that if they continued to do it I would no longer allow Ryan to play with them while I am there. They shook their heads and said "YES MA'AM!"

There is just something about little fifth graders ditching people that screams "bullying" to me and I don't stand for that at all. These children might not be mine, and I might not be their nanny or their mom, but I will stand up for every single one of them. My heart was breaking and pumping all at the same time for this precious little soul, who had gotten his feelings hurt. I am not afraid to stand up to anyone who is in the wrong. In the end it's them who needs the adjusting not me. I want everyone to be happy, and I feel like I can help make that happen. And yes I know somethings the boys need to work out on their own, but this was something that I knew needed some Momma Bear!

I am so glad we got it all resolved, and I hope and pray that it never happens again! Not sure my little heart can take anymore of that.

Have a fabulous weekend!!



Friday, October 10, 2014

8 Months Later

Eight months and 26 posts later I think I finally have this whole decorating the blog down. Seriously y'all it has taken me so long to figure out how to change my template. All the blogs I follow have all these cutesie little backgrounds and they change them every so often, and I was sitting over here like "my stuffs off center, my colors don't go, and I really could careless how the background looks" Ok well maybe not that blunt, but you get the idea! For awhile I thought about paying one of these ladies on one of the many sites to redo my blog, that was until I figured out that cost WAY TO MUCH! I might be a sucker for somethings, but the blog background just wasn't getting me.

Fast forward 8 months and it is now the middle of October, and I still don't have this stuff all figured out. One night last weekend I was just online shopping, catching up on blogs, and trying to catch up on my blog, when I realized I really needed to look into giving my blog a makeover. I mean I won't go outside of the house without my hair done, so why does my blog have to be seen by others with UGLY makeup on?  So, finally I came upon this wonderful website that basically walked me through the whole process of making columns, centering things, putting up a pretty background and even going as far as how to add a pretty banner to match. 

So after all this time I realized, all it took was a simple little search to figure out how to do all this. I guess the saying is right "you can't can teach old dogs new tricks!" I am a walking example! Before we know it my background will get saggy and old and I will have to replenish it. But until then I plan to enjoy this lovely background, and all the lessons I learned with it. Nothing is better than feeling fresh. Isn't that right blog? 

That's all for now little blog lovers, I hope you enjoy my new background as much as I do!

Until the next facelift,



Sunday, October 5, 2014

Leaving Behind The Teens

In just a couple weeks I will be leaving behind "my young adulthood/teen years" and entering my 20's. To some that might be still super young, and to others it might be super old. But to me I am leaning toward another day older! Like  I've stated in other posts I long for the day that I am no longer labeled in the same category as a "young immature teen". I finally think that time has come and I couldn't be more excited. This weekend I was asked what my plans were after attending this last year at HCC.. My response was "work and continue going to school at UH. I don't want to go away because I am not into all the partying and such that comes along with the whole college thing." I truly feel that it takes a special person to say they'd rather live at home attend the local college and work rather than, go off to school, party 24/7 and hope and pray the "saying D's get degrees" still is true.

I have never been one that was dying to fit in or just did things to make myself feel on top of the world. I have always been a super cautious person, who would rather not push the limit! I know some people are probably thinking "wow this girl needs to live a little." And I agree living and taking chances every once and a while is great, and I do that, but taking chances all the time just aint my style. So while some kids are sad to say goodbye to their teens years, I am rather happy! Happy that I am maturing as a person, happy that I have been blessed for 20 years, happy that I've had the opportunity work and know what it's like to budget money, but most importantly happy that I have been through many struggles in my life, but in the end I always come out on top and a little more wiser than I was when I was first struck.

I hope that in 20 years I will look back at this blog and still have the same thoughts as I do now. I hope that in those 20 years I am able to finish my college degree, find a wonderful job, marry the most godly man on this planet, have lots of children, and have the opportunity to teach my children that in this broken world there is a way to succeed and their mom is a living example of it. I hope and pray that I can raise a family that is loving,generous and all around humble.

I can't thank the Lord enough for giving me the life He did. For allowing me to not live a perfect life, but know that just because life isn't perfect doesn't mean that it won't go on. It's about looking at the glass half full instead of half empty in the darkest of days.

So on my twentieth birthday I will be rejoicing at the fact that I am one year older, one year wiser, and one year closer to reaching all my goals. Life is good y'all and I am so thankful to be apart of this great big world, made by our wonderful creator!

I hope you all have a wonderful week!



Thursday, October 2, 2014

MacBook Beauty

On Monday I made one of the biggest purchases, I think I will ever make in my life. Or at least until I purchase my first car, or pitch in for my first home. I had been dreaming of this beautiful Macbook Air for a long time now. My old laptop started being really slow and getting viruses ALL. THE. TIME. It was quite annoying. I researched for quite sometime to make sure that I was wanting to really make the switch to a Mac. After much research and the reassurance from my brother and sister I knew I was in. 

Although it was really hard to part with my long hard earned 1200 dollars, I knew it would be all worth it in the end. So now I am in the process of switching all my documents over, and getting everything acclimated. Everything feel so fresh and clean on this laptop, that I am so nervous to take it places and use it. I know I will soon be over that fear, and eventually it will become old and decrepit just like my last one. Here's to hoping it last me well into my teaching years!

That's all for now my friends! Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!



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