Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today, I am thankful for many things, but there are a few things that I am extra thankful for; a loving family, wonderful friends, and good health! I am so extremely thankful that I get to wake up to the smell of turkey and all the yummy sides that come with it, that my mom always spends all day cooking just so that we have an enjoyable dinner! There are so many things to be thankful for today and everyday.

For some the holiday season brings joy and laughter and for others it brings tears and memories. My prayer for those that are suffering this holiday season is that you take time to reflect on all of your wonderful memories with your loved ones, and that you feel The Lord's presence. And for those that are having a Thanksgiving filled with joy and laughter, my prayer is that you take time to love on each and everyone of those family members, and thank The Lord for blessing you in such a huge way. Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday! There are so many things I love about it. I love knowing that I can just celebrate with my family, and not feel any pressure about giving or receiving any gifts. That we can express our love for each other and just relax. This time of year tends to get a little stressful with several different activities approaching, so when Thanksgiving finally rolls around, I can finally feel that little bit of break.

This time last year my brother and dad were living in Oklahoma for their jobs and my mom and I were living in Houston while Lauren lived and went to school in Austin. We were all spread apart, but we made sure to make the best of it! I am happy that is no longer the case and we are all together again under one roof!

Life is so good y'all!!! I am blessed!

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

God is Good!

My last couple posts have been filled with lots of mixed emotions. Emotions that are both good and bad. Some that I felt like I wasn't quite sure why I was feeling the way I was feeling, and others that were just real life problems. Often times when I am feeling stressed, my go to just like most people is a little pity party! Whether it is with others around pitting with me or just me alone, I find myself doing this every time. I've started to realize though that it doesn't make the situation any better, in fact I think it does the quite opposite. It gets me thinking about my terrible  terribly wonderful life a little more than needed. Don't get me wrong I am not saying don't vent every once and a while, but having a full on pity party that lasts sometimes days is a little overboard. 

This week my heart truly hit rock bottom, to the point that it was torn apart and I am still recovering. And that is when I realized my sweet little problems aren't all that bad. A guy that I know pretty well lost his mom suddenly. She was perfectly healthy and all was well, until Sunday night when she had a stroke. She was in a coma for less than 24 hours before passing on to her heavenly home. I did not know her personally, but I knew both her son and one of her daughters, and that was enough for me to feel deeply saddened. These three kids (she has another daughter) no longer have a mom here on earth. They will continue to grow up without her by their side. I can't even imagine. I have asked God many times in the last two days why? Why did you have to choose her? Why did you not give them any notice? And each time peaceful thoughts fill my head as to why she was the chosen one. Do I think it's fair, no, I don't but do I have a peaceful understanding that God will provide for both her and her family, yes I do! Life is short y'all and at any moment God can call any one of us home. It is terribly scary, but it is so great to know that he is always going to care for us. So while he is "stressed out" and dealing with far greater things than I can ever imagine, I am never aware of those times, because he does not complain, and he always picks up the slack.

It is so cool to know that something so big in our minds is actually one of the smallest possible things ever. Sometimes life hands us things that seem like a lot to handle at the time, but we always get through them, and that is because of our lovely K I N G! The lord has really used this week as an example of how precious life truly is, and that we should tell our family and friends we love them every chance we get. We can never love enough no matter how hard we try, but that is okay because The Lord is able to pick up our burdens and love each and everyone of us a little more each and every day. 

My hope is that this sweet family feels the love and prayers from all. That they are able to get through the holidays and know that their mom is now able to celebrate all holidays in Heaven! How cool is that? I bet it is way better than here on earth!! I also hope and pray that they lean on each other during this difficult time. It never gets easier, but eventually they will begin to feel somewhat of a new normal! 

I will leave you with the song I am obsessed with right now!!!

I hope everyone has a fabulous rest of the week!! 



Sunday, November 9, 2014


Where do I even begin... Life has been nonstop. I feel like I haven't even had time to breath let alone blog. It's like time slows down when you need it to speed up and it speeds up when you can't seem to catch a break. Between going to school full time and working, I am worn out. Flat out TIRED. Any free time I get I just want to spend it snuggled up in bed relaxing. And while busyness is good sometimes it surely isn't good right in the midst of a semester that is coming to an end. I have a paper,project and or test every week from here on out! Can someone scream CRAZY!!!

The other night I was so overwhelmed that I just had a sob and complain fest. And afterwards I felt like a million bucks! It's crazy what one good cry can do for the soul. In the midst of this crazy life  I have still found time to visit with some friends and spend time with my loving family, but it's not enough time. I wish I could just get become a teacher without having to get a degree, could earn money without having to work and just be roaming around doing whatever I wanted to, but alas that is not how this life works and surely if it did, I'd find something about it that I didn't like.

When I started this blog I remember thinking "Oh my goodness I am going to blog everyday and it's going to be great!!" Who was I kidding? I can barely find the time to blog once a month. While I would love to be able to blog at least once a week I know that is not at all possible. With the holiday's approaching and school coming to an end for the semester I am hoping that I will be able to breath a little easier and just do lots of resting and hanging out.

I love everything about the holidays, the weather, the crisp smell of the outdoors, the yummy food, but most of all the family time. It's not everyday that you get to sit around and do nothing with your whole entire family. Between the five of us there is at least one person gone every night, but during the holiday's it doesn't quite seem that way and  I love it.

Alright enough of all this mopey,boring talk about the glorious thing we call life! I shall get back to my stacks upon stacks of homework assignments.

Hopefully next time I will be back with something good to say!

Love and Hugs from the girl who truly does love life and everything in it!!



Saturday, November 1, 2014

The End of October

My oh my is it really November?! I just blinked and boom it was almost Christmas time. Well not really, but lets be honest we all wish the weather would get a little colder and the holiday cheer would begin to spread! The last couple weeks have been nothing but crazy busy, but also full of a lot of nothing.

Last Thursday I got sick with a terrible stomach bug! It was the worst I had felt in a REALLY long time. A feeling that I had hoped would not stay long. Sadly it had other plans for me... Friday the 24th I turned 20 and didn't look back! Although I was sick I did not let that stop my celebrations that I had planned. You only turn 20 once right? Why stop all the celebrations then! Friday was filled with lots of love,laughs and good times despite the sickness. The rest of that weekend was just filled with sleep upon sleep. The Monday and Tuesday to follow were again filled with lots of sleep and the absence of school and work. For some that might be really exciting, but for me not so much. I hate having to catch up on things and now I was having to catch up on school and life all at the same time and I just felt so overwhelmed. Actually overwhelmed enough that one night I found myself crying for no reason at all! Just flat out blubbering like a baby because I could! I soon got over that and realized that I needed to move on with my life and that eventually I would be back on track and things would seem to be okay. And what do you know Wednesday I was back at work and school and life seemed normal again. No, I wasn't feeling that great yet, but I was back in my routine and that's all I needed. Finally today (Saturday) I feel 100% better. I was able to run all day and babysit without any problems! Thank you LORD!

This semester has been long, hard, and just very overwhelming for me. I don't know if it's the little bit of my slack, the slack of the professors or both, but I am finding this semester to be so much harder. Don't get me wrong I still work my tail off to get my stuff done, but sometimes I feel like that just isn't enough. I will surely be ready for this semester to end in just a couple months. I am in disbelief that in just about 3 weeks Thanksgiving will be here and then shortly after that we will be dealing with Christmas. For now I am just trying to keep my head above the water so that I can keep swimming.

Although there are times that I feel completely overwhelmed and I just want to give up, I think about all the things that I have been blessed with and keep trucking. My life to some people might seem super challenging, but to others it seems to be the perfect life that they would die to have. So for those people, I commend you for whatever hardship you might be going through, and I want to thank you for showing me what it's like to keep pushing on! Sometimes we take life for granted and in those times we really need to step back and think was that really necessary? Not everyone walks the same path you do, so take a minute and try another path for a day just to see the difference. Change isn't always easy, and fun but it is always possible.

I am grateful and couldn't love life more if I tried! Thanks life for always sticking by my side whether you wanted to or not.



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