Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Crazy

This year I have literally waited till the last minute to do all my Christmas shopping, and let me tell you it was not a good idea. The malls are NUTS right now, every crazy person like me is out, and it just makes for a bad time. Not only did I wait till the last minute, I am also having the worst time brainstorming things to get everyone. Surprisingly enough the only person that I am completely done shopping for is my mom! And let me just tell you that is a major accomplishment. She is literally the hardest person ever to shop for (sorry mom!!!). So while you are laughing at all those crazy people shopping last minute, just remember I am in that crowd!

I was talking the other day with someone I know, and they were talking about planning time this weekend to go to the galleria and watch all the mass chaos. I looked at them and laughed, and said "HA. Good one!" thinking they have got to be kidding. Man was I wrong... They looked at me and said "I am not kidding, every year I do it and I absolutely love it. I am already done with my shopping by then, so all I have to do is watch and laugh!" To me that is still complete torture... I would never want to waste time driving all the way down there, look for a parking spot and then fighting the crowds just to people watch. That is what you call "Christmas Crazy" to me!

The holiday time is so busy around our house! We have my brothers birthday (tomorrow), Christmas, and then my sisters birthday in January (the 12th). This time of year is full of celebration and presents here at The Coleman house. And while it is tons of fun to celebrate for a long period of time, it is also extremely tiring. Come middle of January and I am completely worn out.

I am pretty sure Houston is going "Christmas Crazy" right now with this weather!!! I hate that it is in the 70's and 80's in December. It surely brings down the joy of Christmas. I love nothing more than to be snuggled up in PJS, drinking hot coco and watching a hallmark movie. And though we are still able to do that, it just isn't the same when you are still having to use the air conditioner. I am hoping and praying that by Christmas Day it will be in at least the 50's! But I am not holding my breath!

Tomorrow I have offered to volunteer at an elementary school in Spring with my best friend. We will be making individual ginger bread houses with 25 1st graders!!!!! I am not too sure what I am getting myself into. I hope I make it out alive, and not needing hearing aids. I even took the time tonight to paint my nails red to get into the holiday spirit for this little Christmas party. Nothing better than some red sparkly nails done by yours truly!

I am thinking by the end of January I just might need a vacation! So book me a trip, get someone to take notes for me in school, find someone to watch my little babes, and I will be out of here in no time!!!

Here's to being "Christmas Crazy!"



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