Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Return of The Daily Margarita!

Four months later and I am finally back, and ready to catch up on all of my blogging. The time just never seems to slow down, and I feel like I rarely ever have a moment to just sit and blog. Any time that I have off and I am not busy, I am trying to catch up on sleep haha! I can't even begin to tell how much I have missed blogging. My blog has become like my place to go when the world just keeps spinning and spinning, and I can't seem to catch a break.

This summer was full of lots of fun things as well as some not so fun things too! The children I nanny are growing up so fast, and I can't wrap my head around the fact that soon enough they will be old enough to babysit!! They sure do keep me on my toes which is awesome. Much like last summer I spent countless days at the doctors and in and out of the hospital. Kidney stones and a sickness like mono totally kicked my butt this summer!

It's totally crazy to think that I have only a little more than 2 years left of college, and then I will be out in the real world! I am so so excited for what's to come. The thought of being able to help little children grow into wonderful young adults just makes my little heart so so so happy! Those bright and shining faces are going to mean so much to me once I start teaching.

That's about all for now... thanks for catching up with me!!

Heres to hoping I can get back to blogging more frequently!



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