Monday, January 12, 2015

Birthday Princess!

January 12th is a very big day in our house! Actually the whole week leading up to 1/12 is a big deal. This just so happens to be my sweet sisters birthday! She loves her birthday, and makes it very known. In a good way of course :). Today she turned 23!!! It is crazy to me that we are all now in our 20's. Time is flying by and we just can't seem to stay young for long haha. Birthday's are always a big thing in our house. We are spoiled rotten for weeks before and after our birthday. It's more of a birthday month.

I truly have the most incredible sister. She is so smart, kind, goofy, and just all around the best. She is someone that I look up to in almost everything I do. I know that no matter what I can always count on her to lend me a helping hand when I need it, and she knows that I will return the favor for her. Having a sister is truly such a gift. I have a built in best friend/maid of honor that I can go to for anything, and everything and she will always give me her best advice. My friends are always sooo jealous of the relationship that Lauren and I have. They tell me all the time "I so wish I had a sister that I was that close with!" and my response every time is "I am sorry! You are truly missing out!"

Another wonderful thing about our relationship is that we are close in age. We have always been able to share friends, and I love that! My friends are her friends and vise versa. There is never a time that one of us is not invited to the others outings. We are kind of like a package deal in this house. If you want one, you must get the other as well.

I always wondered what it would be like to be a twin. I thought it would be so cool to have someone be just like you! Luckily, I got pretty lucky and my sister and I are practically twins, minus a few minor things. It is really the coolest thing ever!

There is so much I could tell you about my sister and our fabulous friendship/sisterhood, but I am afraid I will make you all jealous (just kidding). Seriously though if you have a sister praise her and the bond that y'all have! Not everyone gets this wonderful opportunity.

We have a wonderful brother as well, that treats us both like princess's. He loves us unconditionally and we are so lucky to have such a wonderful big brother!

Here is to 23 more years of everlasting love & friendship, sweet sissy! I love you SO much! Happy Birthday!!



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