Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Reason For The Daily Margarita!

Starting a blog just like many other things take lots of time and effort. Ever since I found my first ever favorite blog back in 2012, I have gone back and forth on  whether or not I should start my own. I was always so worried that it would consume all of my time, how on earth was I going to be a college student, work a job and become a BLOGGER? As more and more time passed and I became a frequent "blog stalker" I realized that this is not something you have to do daily. You can blog whenever you want, whether it's before you go to bed or when you wake up in the morning. I am using this blog as a place for anyone and everyone to take a break in their hectic life, to maybe gain something from mine. This will also be a wonderful place for me to look back at in 20 years just to see how much life has changed. Who know's in 20 years I could be married, have 10 kids and be a stay at home mom... okay maybe not 10 kids but you get my point. With 10 kids I would probably need MULTIPLE margarita's a  day!!!

I hope this blog is able to bring you as much joy, as it already has me! I look forward to blogging and blog stalking, it is my therapy for the day. Although, I am quite young and my stresses in life are far different than most I still at nineteen come home sometimes, and feel like I need to take a load off and just RELAX! My plan is to make this blog as fun and free spirited as I can. And a place where you can come and take a load off, so leave your stresses on the last webpage, because you are about to sample the best margarita there is!

I truly look forward to all the memories I will make with this "Daily Margarita!" Next time I will be back with just a little bit of extra salt around the glass ;).



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